sábado, 11 de mayo de 2019

Colectivos traductores

Queridos colegas:

Les compartimos más entrevistas de la serie Collective Conversations, una propuesta muy interesante de la American Literary Translators Association (ALTA) que muestra  como los traductores estamos haciendo uso de las tecnologías no solo para acceder a mayor información más rápidamente, sino para formar colectivos de traductores con características diversas -tanto como pueden ser nuestros intereses en particular- y combatir el aislamiento que deviene del trabajo solitario como freelancer. Para cada entrevista de Collective Conversations,  la ALTA invia a un colectivo a entrevistar a otro colectivo, acerca de las primeras dos entrevistas de esta serie, pueden visitar: http://circulodetraductores.blogspot.com/search?q=colectivos

En esta enterevista,más reciente.  The Smoking Tigers entrevistaron a The Northwest Literary Translators. 

Collective Conversations: An Interview with The Northwest Literary Translators

While ALTA is proud to serve literary translators all over the USA – not to mention farther afield – local communities are also essential, as these can be more cohesive than is feasible in a nationwide network, particularly in a country this large. Serving this need, a number of translation collectives have sprung up centering on a single city or region; this month, we hear from The Northwest Literary Translators.
The interview was conducted by The Smoking Tigers.

Northwest Literary Translators
The Northwest Literary Translators selling books at a translation conference in Seattle, September 2018. Left to right: Zakiya Hanafi (Italian), Shelley Fairweather-Vega (Russian), Lola Rogers (Finnish), Wendell Ricketts (Italian). Photo: Katie King.

Please introduce yourselves. What are you “northwest” of? How many are you? What is your primary objective as a group?
The Northwest Literary Translators are a plucky troop of aspiring and established literary translators living in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. We have a loosely organized core membership of about ten people, but we’ve been known to gather sixty people at a time for our most popular events.
We like to think of ourselves as a support group for literary translators, with both a social and an educational mission, providing each other with information and inspiration. We share our experiences and discuss both the business and the craft of literary translation, give each other advice, and cheer each other’s successes.

La entrevista completa se puede leer en: 

Para esta misma serie de entrevistas a colectivos, apenas publicada hace unos días, DC-ALT entrevistó a Third Coast Translators Collective. 

Collective Conversations: An Interview with the Third Coast Translators Collective

Most of the US-based collectives in this series are on the east or west coast; this month we hear from a group in the geographic middle. The Third Coast Translators Collective (TCTC) is an international community of literary translators in Chicago working from over a dozen different languages. TCTC’s members are deeply rooted in the city’s literary community through readings, workshops, and mentorship.
This month’s interview was conducted by DC-ALT.
TCTC Group shot 2
TCTC’s 2018 WiT event at Women & Children First Bookstore (from left: Alta Price, Amaia Gabantxo, Aviya Kushner, and Kay Heikkinen)
What brought you all together?
The TCTC started informally when Lucina Schell and Jason Grunebaum met at the 2013 ALTA conference in Bloomington, Indiana, realized they were neighbors in Chicago’s South Loop, and started talking about other translators they knew in the area. The group started meeting the following year in members’ homes to workshop projects in progress, network, and create a community for translators in what can otherwise be a solitary profession.
Are you open to new members and what would be the criteria for acceptance?
We’ve always been open to new members, on a by-invitation basis. We are a somewhat large and fluid collective, with members cycling in and out as life events bring them into and out of Chicago. Essentially, the only criterion is that you are a literary translator. We’re also open to student members. As we’ve started to have a more public presence through our readings and events, we’ve had the opportunity to meet and invite more translators in our community, and we’re now working on a more formalized membership process. As a collective, we translate from over a dozen different languages, so we have ambitious goals, and need a large and diverse group of members to achieve them.
Do you have a feminist aesthetic?
Our feminist aesthetic emerged organically. The majority of our members are women, which is probably due to the uneven representation of translators in general. There are simply many, many more women doing this. But what is also true is that while there are many more women translators, there are far fewer works by women being translated. So that is something we are absolutely working on addressing, first by taking on more women-authored projects and also by organizing women in translation programming. For instance, our member Alta Price is one of the founders of the Women in Translation tumblr. We recently had an event at Women and Children First Bookstore in Chicago titled “Where Are the Women in Translation?” in which members Aviya Kushner, Kay Heikkinen, and Amaia Gabantxo spoke about their experience translating women. Plus, the diversity of all our members—in age, gender, ethnicity, language, and provenance—is truly inspiring.

La entrevista completa puede consultarse en: 

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