viernes, 22 de febrero de 2019

Escuela de verano del British Centre for Literary Translation

Queridos colegas:

Nos comparten la convocatoria para el programa de verano del British Centre for Literary Translation de la University of East Anglia, donde la traducción forma parte de la escuela de literatura y del gran panorama de la escritura creativa. El programa se lleva a cabo del 21 al 27 de julio en Inglaterra, con los talleres que se enlista a continuación. La convocatoria cierra el 22 de abril. Más detalles en este enlace.

Applications for the International Literary Translation & Creative Writing Summer School 2019 are now OPEN

We are happy to announce that the application process is now open for the 2019 International Literary Translation and Creative Writing Summer School which will take place 21-27 July 2019. The workshops for this year are:

French to English & English to French
Workshop leader - Arianne Des Rochers
Author - Nathanaël 

Italian to English
Workshop leader - Shaun Whiteside
Author - Elvira Dones

Please note that all successful Italian workshop applicants will receive a £400 bursary and £100 travel bursary funded by Pro Helvetia.
Multilingual Poetry 
Workshop leader - Clare Pollard

Multilingual Prose with a particular focus on Children's & Young Adult Fiction
Workshop leader - Daniel Hahn

Slovenian to English
Workshop leader - Olivia Hellewell
Author - TBC

Spanish to English
Workshop leader - Anne McLean
Author - Lina Meruane 

This event is run in partnership with the National Centre for Writing.

Deadline for applications: Monday 22nd April 2019.  

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